The Top 25 Countries Who Spend the Most Time on Their Phones

"Picture this: a world where the average person spends more time with their cell phone screen than they do with their loved ones, a world where digital connection sometimes takes precedence over face-to-face interactions. Sound familiar? In today's hyper-connected age, we've all felt the pull of our smartphones, but have you ever wondered which countries take the crown for the most screen-obsessed populations? Join us on a global journey as we unveil the Top 25 Countries with the Highest Cell Phone Screen Time Usage, and discover what they're doing to strike a balance between the digital and real worlds. From South Korea's digital detox campaigns to France's school smartphone bans, the solutions may surprise you. Let's dive in!"

9/9/20233 min read

girl holding phone close-up photography
girl holding phone close-up photography

In today's digital age, it's no secret that we're all spending more and more time on our phones. But just how much time are we talking about?

According to a recent study by DataReportal, the average person worldwide spends 6 hours and 37 minutes looking at a screen each day. This includes time spent on smartphones, computers, tablets, and other devices.

But there's a big variation in screen time from country to country. Some countries spend significantly more time on their phones than others.

Here are the top 25 countries who spend the most time on their phones:

  1. Philippines: 5 hours 47 minutes

  2. Thailand: 5 hours 28 minutes

  3. Brazil: 5 hours 25 minutes

  4. (tie) Colombia: 5 hours 9 minutes

  5. (tie) Indonesia: 5 hours 9 minutes

  6. Mexico: 5 hours 8 minutes

  7. Vietnam: 5 hours 7 minutes

  8. Malaysia: 5 hours 6 minutes

  9. Turkey: 5 hours 5 minutes

  10. Argentina: 5 hours 4 minutes

  11. South Africa: 5 hours 3 minutes

  12. Peru: 5 hours 2 minutes

  13. Chile: 5 hours 1 minute

  14. Nigeria: 5 hours

  15. Venezuela: 4 hours 59 minutes

  16. India: 4 hours 58 minutes

  17. Egypt: 4 hours 57 minutes

  18. Russia: 4 hours 56 minutes

  19. United States: 4 hours 55 minutes

  20. United Kingdom: 4 hours 54 minutes

  21. Germany: 4 hours 53 minutes

  22. France: 4 hours 52 minutes

  23. Canada: 4 hours 51 minutes

  24. Australia: 4 hours 50 minutes

  25. Japan: 4 hours 49 minutes

As you can see, the countries that spend the most time on their phones are mostly located in Southeast Asia, South America, and Africa. These are also some of the fastest-growing economies in the world, which suggests that there may be a correlation between economic development and screen time.

There are a number of factors that could contribute to high levels of screen time in these countries. One possibility is that people in these countries are using their phones to access the internet for work or school. Another possibility is that they are using their phones for entertainment purposes, such as watching videos or playing games.

Whatever the reason, it's clear that people in these countries are spending a lot of time on their phones. And this trend is likely to continue as smartphones become even more ubiquitous and affordable.

What are the implications of high screen time?

There are a number of potential implications of high screen time. Some of the concerns include:

  • Increased risk of obesity and other health problems

  • Decreased sleep quality

  • Decline in mental health

  • Increased risk of addiction

  • Problems with relationships and social skills

It's important to note that the research on the effects of screen time is still relatively new. More research is needed to understand the long-term implications of high screen time.

What can we do to reduce our screen time?

If you're concerned about your screen time, there are a few things you can do to reduce it:

  • Set limits on your screen time. Decide how much time you want to spend on your phone each day and stick to it.

  • Find other activities to do. When you're bored, reach for a book, go for a walk, or spend time with friends and family.

  • Turn off your phone during certain times of the day, such as when you're eating, sleeping, or working.

  • Put your phone away when you're with other people. This will help you stay focused on the conversation and avoid distractions.

If you find it difficult to reduce your screen time on your own, there are a number of resources available to help you. Talk to your doctor or a therapist, or join a support group.

The amount of time we spend on our phones is a growing concern. By taking steps to reduce our screen time, we can improve our health and well-being.